Bayesian decision theory

  • 贝叶斯决策理论;贝叶斯决策原理,贝氏决策原理,贝斯决策论
Bayesian decision theoryBayesian decision theory
  1. Bayesian decision theory is a basic method of Statistical Pattern Recognition .


  2. Bayesian decision theory relevance feedback method based on minimum risk


  3. Research on Bayesian decision theory based relevance feedback mechanism .


  4. Tracking Occlusive Target Method Based on Bayesian Decision Theory and Particle Filter


  5. Bayesian decision theory provided the theory foundation of uncertainty event or reason .


  6. Bayesian Decision Theory Approach to Sampling Acceptance Plan with Random Censoring


  7. Bayesian decision theory is widely used in pattem recognition and signal detection .


  8. The Rationality and Its Relativity in Bayesian Decision Theory


  9. Bayesian Decision Theory and Inductive Logic


  10. The main contribution of the paper is that group polarization shift effect are proclaimed by using Bayesian decision theory .


  11. Probabilistic neural network ( PNN ) is a classification network , which is based on Bayesian decision theory and probability function estimation theory .


  12. For example , we construct GPS and PPSP for phosphorylation site prediction , based on GPS and Bayesian Decision Theory algorithms , respectively .


  13. In this paper , the principle of Bayesian decision theory are used to model how individual attitudes will change after group discussion , including the direction and magnitude of opinion shift .


  14. And the point about Bayesian decision theory is it gives you the mathematics of the optimal way to combine your prior knowledge with your sensory evidence to generate new beliefs .


  15. And to do that , I 'm going to tell you about a framework which is very popular in statistics and machine learning of the last 50 years called Bayesian decision theory .


  16. In order to construct an accurate variational restoration model , we classify the noisy pixels into Gaussian or impulse type in advance based on the absolute difference image and Bayesian decision theory .


  17. And the qualities of these functions can be represented by two representation theorems , which lay out the principles of the rationality in Bayesian decision theory : the assignments of values and degrees of belief must be coherent .


  18. Based on the Bayesian decision theory , Expected utility representation with multiple prior is discussed in this paper , and new criteria are constructed , which can extend the use range of the old criteria and deal with uncertainty decision problems better .


  19. Study on Bayesian Decision Making Theory and Methods


  20. The third is how to use Bayesian decision making theory to deal with no-linear Bayesian dynamic models .


  21. Research on Bayesian Decision - making Theory in Pattern Recognition


  22. Results We demonstrate that the Bayesian information criterion and decision theory are the most appropriate model-selection criteria because of their high accuracy and precision .


  23. Bayesian network is based on Bayesian decision theory , causal modeling techniques .
